- rot13 selection
- Scorched Earth
- The zero-tolerance approach to web-browsing. Kills them all and lets god sort them out.
- TRLjack
- Make.text
- Get Short URL
- Expose YouTube video location
- Share on Facebook
- De-Kip
- Expands all "title=" attributes into parenthetical text.
- De-GIA
- Expands ALT text into parenthetical text.
- view passwords
- deleet
- lowercase
- Fuck You, Let Me Right-Click
- zap
- Kills plugins, B-movie effects, colors, events, and timers.
- zap plugins
- zap colors
- zap cheap effects
- zap white backgrounds
- zap timers
- zap images
- Replace images with alt text.
- linearize
- from POST to GET
- Changes search method for search forms.
- trigger rollovers
- force wrap
- open selected links
- up
- top
- Jesse's Bookmarklets Site
- VoodooPad Collectorlet